Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Best Presenter and The Worst Presenter...

In my opinion, the best presenter is TJ Walker. I completely admire with him because he looks very comfortable to deliver his words in front of more people. He can attract all people by his own way. He has nice tone that can make people all around being attracted to enjoy watching and listening to his presentation. Besides that, he also very confident when he is speaking. I cannot see the manner that show he is lack of confident. He presents his slide show clearly and I believe that all people will understand what he talking about. Moreover, he use eye contact perfectly. His eye contact show that he communicates with all audiences and that is thing the presenter must do to avoid audiences feel boring. He also good in talking about the topic that can attract the audiences. I can see that he is a creative person in doing slide show. His creative slide show also can be one of the factor why his presentation is the best.
While the worst presentor is The Microsoft Dude. He looks lack of confident where he looses his eye contact. He just read the slide show. When this happens, he cannot communicate with audiences well. The audiences feel bored with his presentation because he cannot attract the audiences. His voice also slow. And he cannot tell the people well about what he was present. This makes people cannot understand what he was talking about. And as a result, his presentation get worse.

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